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Revisiting Sass theming

There is no one way to do one thing in Sass. In the end, Sass is nothing more than supercharged CSS. And people love doing CSS their way. This is not a ruleset to follow, but an opinionated set of standards that we use at Base Creative.

Theming properly is hard. It usually gets messy, inconsistent and difficult to mantain. Over the past few months we’ve built a couple of websites that required theming.

  • Crafted People: The default color styling for this website is purple. But when a section is dedicated for a homeowner, the purple must change to pink. And when a section is for tradesmen, it must change to green. At the same time, some sections must have elements in pink and green on the same page.
  • Devonshire House Dental: This site changes the color scheme depending on the target user. If it’s for dentists, it has to be a light purple whereas patient pages will have a dark purple.

Problems on CSS theming

When approaching theming for these websites we found some issues, like:

  • Inconsistent classes: Crafted People home owners’ styling was represented as homeowner, home-owner, owner and owners. This inconsistency slowed down the development process as you need to double check which of those representations was used.
  • Slightly different colors on same theme: Even if we had every color on a variable, we ended up using some hardcoded colors that may differ from the consistent color scheme we wanted.
  • Manteinance: One of the websites needed a new theme when the project was almost done. Creating all these new selectors in the codebase took a tremendous amount of time.

In the end, mantaining all this stuff was very complicated. It gets to a point when refactoring is not as easy given the classes are being used in the backend too. Trying to unify all the colors isn’t easy, as some of them need to be different, whereas others are just inconsistency issues.

Sketching a solution

Two months ago we got a new project with 4 different themes and I knew I had to put an end to these issues. This is what we needed:

  • A centralised map with all the themes and properties.
  • A way of generating all the styles looping through this map, so when we update the map, the CSS gets automatically updated.
  • The ability to create body classes as well as BEM modifiers, so we can have template related styling and element-specific ones too.
  • Perform different actions for some of the themes and a different action for the rest of them. Some themes may use a color (e.g. color secondary) for a specific element when the rest use another (e.g. color primary).
  • A way of playing with all these without being limited. For instance, we may need to create a class that is not a BEM modifier but just a class with the name of the theme.

And so began the build of one of the most interesting mixins I’ve ever built.

Introducing vary

You can check out vary’s website or its repo on GitHub. This mixin solves all the issues presented above and achieves all the needed functionalities. It’s supported on Sass 3.4+ and libsass 3.2+.

The most common theming pattern is using a .is-foo body class, where foo is the entity for which the CSS variations are destinated to (e.g. user, admin). Let me show you how that would be done using vary:

$vary-map: (
  user: (
    'color-primary': blue,
    'border': '1px solid #ff0'
  admin: (
    'color-primary': pink,
    'border': '10px solid black'
	background: red;

	@include vary($create: parent) {
		background: vary-get('color-primary');
		border: vary-get('border');

And here’s the compiled result:

	background: red;	

.is-user .foo{
	background: blue;
	border: 1px solid #ff0;

.is-admin .foo{
	background: pink;
	border: 10px solid red;

And this is just the beggining. vary currently has 5 creation modes, which have been more than enough for us.

  • Parent - Body/parent class: The most common way to approach theming is using a body/parent class.
  • Insert - Body + HTML class: If you need to apply the body class on a selector that contains an HTML class (e.g. if using Modernizr).
  • Modifier (BEM): When differently styled modules need to be present on the same page, the most common approach is to create a modifier.
  • Append: Appends a class to the element. Same scenario that BEM but for people that don’t want to use BEM.
  • Custom: A vary playground. You can create any kind of construction.

There are also some very nice features available on every creation mode, that add a lot of flexibility:

  • Targeted entities: Using the $for parameter you can make vary go through some of the entities from them map, not all of them.
  • Excluded entities: The reversed version of the targeted ones. Using the $not parameter, you can exclude entities so vary doesn’t loop through them.
  • Multiple maps: By default, vary will loop through the entities in $vary-map. But if you have multiple maps of the same kind, you can set any map using the $loop parameter and vary will loop through it instead of the default one.

If you want to know more about these feature and creation modes, I recommend visiting vary’s website and giving it a loop. On the demos’ page you will find explained examples with SassMeister demos that you can play with.

I hope that, if you’ve had these issues in the past, you can prevent them using this mixin. It certainly has made a great impact here at Base. We’ve been using it for a month now and there has never been any theming scenario that couldn’t be covered by vary. Please feel free to fire me a tweeet, open an issue or send a pull request if you find anything odd or have any suggestions.